Grant of License: Aylesim grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use my Max for Live devices purchased for both personal and commercial use, including the creation of musical or sound works that may be sold or distributed.


Redistribution and Resale of the Product: The Licensee is authorized to use the Product for personal and commercial purposes, but the redistribution or resale of the Product itself as a complete entity to any third party is prohibited.

Viewing and Using the Code: The Licensee is authorized to view, study, and learn from the Product's source code. The Licensee may use parts of the Product's code for personal or educational purposes, provided that such parts are integrated into projects or works that do not represent a substantial copy of the Product itself.

Creation of Derivative Works: If the Licensee wishes to use parts of the code to create new works, these must be substantially different from the original Product and must not be presented in a way that they could be confused with the original Product of the Licensor.

Attribution: If the Licensee uses parts of the Product's code in new works, they must provide adequate credit to the Licensor, clearly indicating which parts of the work are derived from the Licensor's Product.

Copyright and Ownership: The Product is protected by copyright laws and international treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Product is licensed, not sold. The Licensor retains ownership of the Product and all associated copyright rights.

Termination: The license is valid until terminated by either the Licensor or the Licensee. The license automatically terminates without notice from the Licensor if the Licensee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this license.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability: The Product is provided "as is", without any warranties of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall the Licensor be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or the inability to use the Product.

Applicable Law: This license shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy, without reference to the principles of conflicts of law.

Entire Agreement: This license constitutes the entire agreement between Licensor and Licensee in relation to the Product and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and discussions regarding the same.